What is pre-diabetes?
It is a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes.
What is the difference between Diabetes and Pre-diabetes?
When fasting blood glucose level is 126 mg/dl or greater on two separate occasions, then you have diabetes. If you have symptoms of diabetes and your blood glucose level is equal to or greater than 200 mg/dl, and a second test shows the same high blood glucose level, then also you have diabetes.
People who have Fasting Blood Glucose between 100-125 mg/dl are said to be having impaired fasting glucose. If a Glucose Tolerance Test shows blood glucose between 140-199 mg/dl after 2 hours, you have impaired glucose tolerance.Both these are medical terms for ‘pre-diabetes.’
People with pre-diabetes are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes within ten years unless they have a healthier lifestyle where they lose weight and are physically active.
Who should be screened for pre-diabetes?
Screening for pre-diabetes is recommended for overweight adults who are 45 years or older and those less than 45 years who are overweight and who have one or more of the following risk factors:
• Lead a sedentary lifestyle
• Have IFG (impaired fasting glucose) or IGT (impaired glucose tolerance)
• Have a family history of diabetes
• Are members of certain ethnic groups (including Asian, African, Hispanic, and Native American)
• Had gestational diabetes or birth weight of child was more than 9 pounds
• Have high blood pressure
• Have an HDL cholesterol level (the “good” cholesterol) of 35 mg/dl or lower and/or triglyceride level of 250 mg/dl or higher
• Have polycystic ovary syndrome
• Have a history of vascular disease
If you have pre-diabetes diabetes reduce your risk through weight loss and increased moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking 30 minutes a day.
What Should I Eat?
- ‘How much you eat’ is more important than ‘What you eat’.
- Lose the extra Kilos if you are overweight.
- Consult a dietitian for how much and what to eat at each meal.
- Control portion size.
- Choose food that has less fat.A gram of fat adds 9 calories when compared to that of a gram each of carbohydrate or protein which provide 4 calories.
- Eatbroiled food, not fried.
- Use less oil when cooking.
- Eat more white meat and fish and avoid red meats.
- Eat less of meat and more of vegetables, fruit and whole grain.
Having diabetes or pre-diabetes does not mean that you can't eat certain foods. You will only increase your craving for these foods and feel miserable . Instead concentrate on losing weight if you are overweight, reducing portion sizes, and planning for those occasions when you can eat a small piece of cake or a sweet.
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